Year of the snake

happy lunar new year’s eve. not sure if we’re supposed to be partying tonight and popping those popper things at midnight? or is everyone celebrating tomorrow. I asked my mom and she thought it was next week. i’m in the spirit though. where ever the east winds take me—the land of laughter and prosperity. snakes be like, yoooo we out here.

But i might have felt a little bit sad today. needed a cocktail and a hug. it still comes in waves. for sure the amplitudes of these waves are much smaller these days, but they still roll and swirl my insides like sea sickness. Snakes be like, I’m on a boat everybody look at me. Haha. i just try to remind myself: waves = vibrations = energy = love.

wishing you all a happy lunar new year of the snake. You deserve everything and more.

12:01 am.