finally got this site fixed. Fiverr came through with all the cache fixes, but I never asked about the timestamping. I’ll just do it manually.
where did the weekend go. Saturday was a blessed day. Went running for the first time in like ten years. Six miles, but they were slow. In elementary school, the pe teachers used to say, “kids, we’re doing lsd today.” Meaning long slow distance. Then we’d run all period in the Texas heat. The rich kids got all excited for nothing.
Had a wonderful dinner and best time spent with Dylan and mo. after that…drinks with the neighbor shawanna. Found out The bartender has the same birthday as me. As soon as we made that discovery he was nicer to me. Typical cancer.
Sunday washed out by a hangover. I had decided to skip my zbiotics hangover prophylactic before going out. That was a mistake. now I’m 100% sure they work.
1:55 am. Get the weed out.