More proof

you guys, good news and further confirmation that love and kindness Is the way. Neighbor update.

Niko and I were bumpin’ Richie Hawtin techno sets all night. Only because we wanted to cover up the sound of the upstairs neighbors’ footsteps with the sounds of unz unz. At around 11:45 pm, the boyfriend of the girl who lives upstairs knocked on my door. He said their entire room was vibrating. Haha. He was a very nice Asian kid, and after some talking it felt like we got everything sorted out. Later, The girl texted me (from a 909) and she was very kind. They have been super quiet ever since!

Just golden.

tonight I did laundry, sipped wine, played street fighter, tested the ph of the water from the water machine (Results inconclusive), and attempted to repair my Nelson clock after watching a YouTube. Haven’t fridayed like this in quite a while. It is nice.

1:26 am