Tonight I loved where I live. Skyline. Shorts in December. Walk to brewery. Friends with bartenders. chasing a dream.
Watched shawanna do her stand-up comedy thing tonight. She killed it. A huge relief because I had no idea if i was going to like her jokes or not. she was dope. She performed at two separate venues with different material which is pro. The asian joke was about me (I think). It was a good time. I’m here to see my friends rise.
I did some online Christmas shopping today. It was not easy. I usually ask my family to post a gift wishlist in our group chat but The only person who ever posts is me haha. Buy me this. No wishlists this year so everyone is getting a ______.
12:20 am.
Well, okay, here’s my wishlist: crow landing on my shoulder, silence, jade rings, vegetables, and laughing so hard I cry.