happy friday. i’m taking an easy day at work. today is five months since eddie’s passing. I have the best team holding down the fort so I was able to step away to go to the cemetery.
I was really unprepared for the visit though. I didn’t think I needed to take anything, but turns I needed food. and water. haha. and tissues. and maybe even a little bit of support (thank you, ig). but it was a beautiful day and always wonderful to be with him.
i also visited and delivered flowers to eddie’s father. he was a brilliant, poetic man and his nickname for me was “talking flower.”
five months isn’t a long time. or is it? I feel like i’m doing a pretty solid job in terms of healing and honoring this beautiful journey that I get to be on. i’m sure not everyone’s grieving path is like mine—positively lit by a bright guiding light of shining golden love. I know how lucky I am. doing my best to spread it.
3:38 pm.