How is things are. It’s February now and we can probably all agree that time is flying. Because we are having fun!
So…I still have not renewed my lease. I responded to their email asking them to remove eddie And his information from the paperwork (and i told them why), and to send me a revised offer with better numbers. But still, The woman left a voicemail asking that I or eddie return her call. Sorry, but He ain’t gonna use his one phone call from heaven on you, lady. Haha.
i was very tired and hungry today. I slept a bunch and ate a lot of healthy food (salmon and greens!). No brainer, but a month OR TWO ago I would have solved the problem with coffee, bourbon, and shrimp chips. I AM cruising through this grief thing like a mutt in doggles on a motorcycle. Ask me anything.
12:50 am.