dream cities

My lease renewal offer came in. The email was addressed to both me and eddie. And his name is still on the lease. Of course they were informed, and they should know better but they’re corporate. Pounds fist. And want their money. They raised the rent and raised the parking by nearly 50%.

we were going to move. We said we would for years. I picked Milwaukee after taking a YouTube walking tour and liking the city/video. Riverwalk lofts are so affordable there. Beer city. I even idealized the snow and cold weather—we’ll just get Niko the cutest sweaters. We’d work remote. It was A viable plan, except we never talked about his health stuff. We just dreamed about having a good life. Even though we already had a great life.

i still do that. Keep dreaming about a good life when life is already great. My current existence feels like a dream. Sometimes I have to stop myself from poking people’s faces to see if they’re real. Usually when I’m drunk, but still.

still want to visit Milwaukee. Drink some beer and check out the river. Definitely Not gonna go during the winter, no matter how cute the sweaters are. Let’s all go.

1:31 am.